Apparent 2,4-D Amine 625
- Sku: 9505
- Type: Apparent Herbicides
For the control of broadleafed weeds in fallow before direct drilling or sowing of cereals and pastures; and in cereal crops, pastures, sugar cane, peanuts and non-agricultural areas according to the directions for use table.
This is a phenoxy herbicide that can cause severe damage to native vegetation and susceptible crops such as cotton, grapes, tomatoes, oilseed crops and ornamentals.
Field Crops
Download the 2,4-D 625 Amine Product Guide to see which dosage rates apply to each situation and state (location).
Suitable for:
- Wheat
- Barley
- Cereal Rye
- Triticale
- Oats
- Common Stylo forage or seed crops
- Caribbean Stylo forage or seed crops
- Fallow, Stubble Spray prior to Direct Drilling or Sowing
- Winter Cereals, Grain Legumes (peanuts -QLD only) and Canola
- Bananas
- Saccaline
- Broom Millet
- Millet
- Harvest Aid or Salvage Spray – Refer Weed table Winter Cereals
- Peanuts
- Sugar Cane
Pastures, non-agricultural, rights of way, industrial, lawns.
Download the product guide to see which states and dosage rates apply.
Suitable for:
- Pastures
- Non-agricultural
- Rights of Way
- Industrial
- Spray/Graze Techniques
- Conservation Tillage– Direct Drilling Surface Sowing or Fallow Maintenance
- Lawns & Playing fields
Spot Spraying
Download the product guide to see which states and dosage rates apply.
- High volume spraying
- Knapsack application
Weed List
- Afghan Melons
- Amaranthus spp.
- Amsinckia
- Annual and Perennial Pigweed
- Annual Thistles
- Apple of Peru
- Artichoke Thistle
- Bathurst Burr
- Bell Vine
- Bell Vine (Ipomea)
- Bellvine
- Billygoat Weed
- Bindweed
- Bindy Eye (Star Burr)
- BIue Top
- Blackberry Nightshade
- Blackeyed Susan
- Blue Snake Weed
- Blue Snakeweed
- Boneseed
- Boxthorn
- Broadleaf weeds; except Noogoora Burr
- Burr Medic
- CaItrop
- California Burr
- Caltrop
- Cape Tulip
- Capeweed
- Castor Oil Plant
- Charlock
- Clockweed*
- Clover
- Cobbler’s Pegs
- Cobblers Pegs
- Common Ice Plant
- Common Sida
- Common Sowthistle
- Convovulus Vines
- Dessicate Broadleaf Weeds
- Dock
- Docks
- Docks (Seedling only)
- Doublegee
- Dove Weed
- Doveweed
- Erodium
- Fat Hen
- Flannel Weed
- Flat Weed
- Flatweed
- Fleabanes
- Fumitory – red
- Fumitory – white
- Galvanised Burr
- Geranium
- Grasses except Mossman Burr
- Groundsel
- Hawthorn
- Heliotrope
- Hemlock
- Hexham Scent
- Hoary Cress
- Hoary Cress+
- Hogweed/Wireweed
- Horehound
- Indian Hedge Mustard
- Ipomea Vines
- Jute
- Khaki Weed
- Knobweed
- Kyalinga Weed (Whisker Grass)
- Lantana
- Leucas
- Lincoln Weed
- London Rocket
- Lupin
- Lupins
- Matricans
- Melons
- Melons – Camel
- Mexican Poppy
- Milky Cotton Bushes
- Mintweed
- Morning Glory
- Mother of Millions
- Mustard
- Mustard. Wild Radish
- Mustards
- Needle Burr
- New Zealand Spinach
- Noogoora Burr
- Paddy
- Paddy Melons
- Parthenium Weed
- Paterson’s Curse
- Pink Convolvulus
- Pinkburr (Pink Flowered Burr)
- Potato Weed
- Prickly Saltwort (Roly Poly)
- Purpletop
- Radish
- Ragwort
- Rapeseed
- Rapistrum
- Refer to Weed Table
- Rough Poppy
- Rubber Vine
- Safflower
- Saffron
- Saffron Thistle
- Saffron Thistle,Spear Thistle
- Scarlet Pimpernel (seedlings only)
- Sesbania Pea
- Shepherd’s Purse
- Siratro
- Skeleton Weed
- Slender
- Slender Thistle
- Sorrel
- Spear or Variegated Thistle*
- Spear Thistle
- Speedwell – Ivy leaf
- Spiny Emex
- Spiny Emex)
- Spinyhead Sida
- Star Burr
- Star of Bethelhem (Cupid’s Flower)
- Star Of Bethlehem
- Starrburr
- Stinkwort
- Storkbill/ Erodium
- Sunflower (seedlings)
- Thistles
- Thornapple
- Three Cornered Jack (Doublegee
- Tridax (Tridax Daisy)
- Turnip
- Turnip Weed
- Turnip Weed/Rapistrum
- Variegated Thistle*
- Vetchs/Tares
- Wards Weed
- Water Hyacinth
- Water Primrose
- White Eye (Mexican Clover)
- Wild Cabbage
- Wild Poppy
- Wild Radish
- Wild Tobacco Tree
- Wild Turnip

Apparent 2,4-D Amine 625